List of Buddy Complex episodes

Buddy Complex is a 2014 Japanese mecha anime series produced by Sunrise in collaboration with Bandai Visual, Bandai Channel, Lantis, Banpresto, and Bandai Namco Games under Bandai Namco Holdings. The anime series is original creation of Hajime Yatate and is directed by Yasuhiro Tanabe with series composition by BC project, original character designs and animation direction by Asako Inayoshi and Tomoshige Inayoshi, soundtrack music by Tatsuya Kato and 3D CG by Orange. The series follows Aoba Watase, an ordinary high school boy who lived an average, everyday life commuting to high school in the city. On the first day back after summer break, Aoba is attacked by a giant robot that appears out of the sky. As he's pursued through the city, his classmate Hina Yumihara appears in a giant robot of

List of Buddy Complex episodes

Buddy Complex is a 2014 Japanese mecha anime series produced by Sunrise in collaboration with Bandai Visual, Bandai Channel, Lantis, Banpresto, and Bandai Namco Games under Bandai Namco Holdings. The anime series is original creation of Hajime Yatate and is directed by Yasuhiro Tanabe with series composition by BC project, original character designs and animation direction by Asako Inayoshi and Tomoshige Inayoshi, soundtrack music by Tatsuya Kato and 3D CG by Orange. The series follows Aoba Watase, an ordinary high school boy who lived an average, everyday life commuting to high school in the city. On the first day back after summer break, Aoba is attacked by a giant robot that appears out of the sky. As he's pursued through the city, his classmate Hina Yumihara appears in a giant robot of