List of XYZZY Awards by category

This is a list of XYZZY Awards results, grouped by award rather than year. The XYZZY Awards are the annual awards given by the publication "XYZZYnews" to works of interactive fiction, serving a similar role to the Academy Awards for film. The awards were inaugurated in 1997, initially with eight categories: best game, best writing, best story, best setting, best puzzles, best individual puzzle, best NPCs (non-player characters) and best individual NPC. Two others, best individual player-character and best use of medium, were added the following year. For the 2010 awards, the best use of medium award was divided into separate awards for best implementation and best use of innovation, while new awards were instituted for non-game creations: best technological development and best supplementa

List of XYZZY Awards by category

This is a list of XYZZY Awards results, grouped by award rather than year. The XYZZY Awards are the annual awards given by the publication "XYZZYnews" to works of interactive fiction, serving a similar role to the Academy Awards for film. The awards were inaugurated in 1997, initially with eight categories: best game, best writing, best story, best setting, best puzzles, best individual puzzle, best NPCs (non-player characters) and best individual NPC. Two others, best individual player-character and best use of medium, were added the following year. For the 2010 awards, the best use of medium award was divided into separate awards for best implementation and best use of innovation, while new awards were instituted for non-game creations: best technological development and best supplementa