List of renewable energy companies by stock exchange

Several renewable energy companies became listed on stock exchanges in the period after 2000. The early 21st century was a very productive time for the renewable energy industry, since many governments set long term renewable energy targets. Some chose to directly subsidize the renewables with feed-in tariffs and other temporary measures to bridge the gap to full cost accounting that would properly reward these technologies for their low emissions and lack of interference with ecosystem services, and also to ensure some capacity and motivation to install conservation-focused smart grid technologies.

List of renewable energy companies by stock exchange

Several renewable energy companies became listed on stock exchanges in the period after 2000. The early 21st century was a very productive time for the renewable energy industry, since many governments set long term renewable energy targets. Some chose to directly subsidize the renewables with feed-in tariffs and other temporary measures to bridge the gap to full cost accounting that would properly reward these technologies for their low emissions and lack of interference with ecosystem services, and also to ensure some capacity and motivation to install conservation-focused smart grid technologies.