Long Live the Royals

Long Live the Royals is an American animated miniseries created by Sean Szeles. The miniseries, which aired from November 30 to December 3, 2015 on Cartoon Network, consists of four episodes, each following a member of a fictional British Royal Family as they celebrate the annual Yule Hare Festival. The miniseries received a mostly favourable reception from critics, who praised its anachronism-led humour, but concluded that, in comparison to Cartoon Network's previous miniseries Over the Garden Wall, it felt more like a test run for a potential longer series than a complete story.

Long Live the Royals

Long Live the Royals is an American animated miniseries created by Sean Szeles. The miniseries, which aired from November 30 to December 3, 2015 on Cartoon Network, consists of four episodes, each following a member of a fictional British Royal Family as they celebrate the annual Yule Hare Festival. The miniseries received a mostly favourable reception from critics, who praised its anachronism-led humour, but concluded that, in comparison to Cartoon Network's previous miniseries Over the Garden Wall, it felt more like a test run for a potential longer series than a complete story.