Lost Trillion Case

The Lost Trillion Case, also known as the Missing Trillion Case, (Turkish: Kayıp Trilyon Davası) was an embezzlement scandal in Turkey involving the use of forged documents by the Welfare Party (Turkish: Refah Partisi, RP) executives to prevent the return of Treasury grants in amount of around one trillion lira, i.e. one million File:Turkish lira symbol 8x.png in today's currency (around € 477,000) following the ban of the party in 1998. Party leader and former prime minister Necmettin Erbakan as well as 68 party officials received prison sentences after a court trial, although the former's was commuted to house arrest.

Lost Trillion Case

The Lost Trillion Case, also known as the Missing Trillion Case, (Turkish: Kayıp Trilyon Davası) was an embezzlement scandal in Turkey involving the use of forged documents by the Welfare Party (Turkish: Refah Partisi, RP) executives to prevent the return of Treasury grants in amount of around one trillion lira, i.e. one million File:Turkish lira symbol 8x.png in today's currency (around € 477,000) following the ban of the party in 1998. Party leader and former prime minister Necmettin Erbakan as well as 68 party officials received prison sentences after a court trial, although the former's was commuted to house arrest.