Love Is Free

"Love Is Free" is a song written and recorded by American singer-songwriter Sheryl Crow. It was released as the second single from Crow's sixth studio album Detours. Its predecessor "Shine over Babylon" was airplay only. On her website, Crow states that she was inspired by the floods in New Orleans. "What struck me about it is the stoicism of the New Orleans people, they are very spiritually based. You can see it in their eyes that they aren't going to give up, they are going to rebuild."

Love Is Free

"Love Is Free" is a song written and recorded by American singer-songwriter Sheryl Crow. It was released as the second single from Crow's sixth studio album Detours. Its predecessor "Shine over Babylon" was airplay only. On her website, Crow states that she was inspired by the floods in New Orleans. "What struck me about it is the stoicism of the New Orleans people, they are very spiritually based. You can see it in their eyes that they aren't going to give up, they are going to rebuild."