Low Bandwidth X

In computing, LBX, or Low Bandwidth X, was a protocol to use the X Window System over network links with low bandwidth and high latency. It was introduced in X11R6.3 ("Broadway") in 1996, but never achieved wide use. It was disabled by default as of X.Org Server 7.1, and was removed for version 7.2. X was originally implemented for use with the server and client on the same machine or the same local area network. By 1996, the Internet was becoming popular, and X's performance over narrow, slow links was problematic.

Low Bandwidth X

In computing, LBX, or Low Bandwidth X, was a protocol to use the X Window System over network links with low bandwidth and high latency. It was introduced in X11R6.3 ("Broadway") in 1996, but never achieved wide use. It was disabled by default as of X.Org Server 7.1, and was removed for version 7.2. X was originally implemented for use with the server and client on the same machine or the same local area network. By 1996, the Internet was becoming popular, and X's performance over narrow, slow links was problematic.