Lubomirski Palace, Lviv

The Lviv palace of Prince Stanisław Lubomirski was built in the 1760s to Jan de Witte's design on the site of several older houses (one of which had been the property of Szymon Szymonowic). The palace's main façade, featuring decoration by Sebastian Vessinger, is on the Market Square. The two other fronts are considerably less conspicuous. Next door to the Lubomirski Palace is the former palace of the Roman Catholic archbishops where King Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki died in 1673.

Lubomirski Palace, Lviv

The Lviv palace of Prince Stanisław Lubomirski was built in the 1760s to Jan de Witte's design on the site of several older houses (one of which had been the property of Szymon Szymonowic). The palace's main façade, featuring decoration by Sebastian Vessinger, is on the Market Square. The two other fronts are considerably less conspicuous. Next door to the Lubomirski Palace is the former palace of the Roman Catholic archbishops where King Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki died in 1673.