Lucasfilm Animation

Lucasfilm Animation Ltd. LLC is an animation studio founded in 2003. Its first major production was the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and its spin-off feature film. Following the acquisition of Lucasfilm by The Walt Disney Company, over 100 animation personnel at Big Rock Ranch were let go, with a minimum group retained to oversee outsource development on the animated series Star Wars: Rebels. Lucasfilm Animation is currently headquartered in the LDAC campus in San Francisco, California as a division of Disney and remains Lucasfilm Animation in name only. In September 2016, Dave Filoni famous for his contributions on Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels accepted a promotion to oversee the development of all future Lucasfilm Animation projects.

Lucasfilm Animation

Lucasfilm Animation Ltd. LLC is an animation studio founded in 2003. Its first major production was the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and its spin-off feature film. Following the acquisition of Lucasfilm by The Walt Disney Company, over 100 animation personnel at Big Rock Ranch were let go, with a minimum group retained to oversee outsource development on the animated series Star Wars: Rebels. Lucasfilm Animation is currently headquartered in the LDAC campus in San Francisco, California as a division of Disney and remains Lucasfilm Animation in name only. In September 2016, Dave Filoni famous for his contributions on Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels accepted a promotion to oversee the development of all future Lucasfilm Animation projects.