
The MAT-120 cargo bomb is a Spanish-produced cluster munition, fired from a 120mm calibre mortar produced by Instalaza SA. The main body of the round holds dual-purpose anti-tank/anti-personnel submunitions. The MAT-120 submunitions are unique in that to prevent the dangers of unexploded duds, there is a double redundant feature the manufacture refers to as self-destruction and self-sterilization. This prevents unexploded MAT-120 submunitions from laying around becoming de facto landmines, dangerous to both combatants and non-combatants.


The MAT-120 cargo bomb is a Spanish-produced cluster munition, fired from a 120mm calibre mortar produced by Instalaza SA. The main body of the round holds dual-purpose anti-tank/anti-personnel submunitions. The MAT-120 submunitions are unique in that to prevent the dangers of unexploded duds, there is a double redundant feature the manufacture refers to as self-destruction and self-sterilization. This prevents unexploded MAT-120 submunitions from laying around becoming de facto landmines, dangerous to both combatants and non-combatants.