MTL (transport company)

MTL Trust Holdings was an English bus, coach and train operator based in Liverpool. MTL was originally the operating company of the Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive. To comply with the Transport Act 1985, this was divested into a new independent company, Merseyside Transport Limited (MTL). Merseytravel retained a shareholding, but this was purchased by MTL in 1993. On 17 February 2000, MTL was purchased by Arriva.

MTL (transport company)

MTL Trust Holdings was an English bus, coach and train operator based in Liverpool. MTL was originally the operating company of the Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive. To comply with the Transport Act 1985, this was divested into a new independent company, Merseyside Transport Limited (MTL). Merseytravel retained a shareholding, but this was purchased by MTL in 1993. On 17 February 2000, MTL was purchased by Arriva.