Macquarie Group

MACQUARIE Group Limited is a global investment banking and diversified financial services group, providing banking, financial advisory and investment and funds management services to institutional, corporate and retail clients and counterparties around the world. Headquartered in Sydney, Macquarie is the largest Australian investment bank and the top ranked mergers and acquisitions advisor in Australia. Macquarie is listed in Australia (ASX:MQG) and is regulated by APRA, the Australian banking regulator, as the owner of Macquarie Bank Limited, an authorised deposit taker.

Macquarie Group

MACQUARIE Group Limited is a global investment banking and diversified financial services group, providing banking, financial advisory and investment and funds management services to institutional, corporate and retail clients and counterparties around the world. Headquartered in Sydney, Macquarie is the largest Australian investment bank and the top ranked mergers and acquisitions advisor in Australia. Macquarie is listed in Australia (ASX:MQG) and is regulated by APRA, the Australian banking regulator, as the owner of Macquarie Bank Limited, an authorised deposit taker.