Madrid Accords

The Madrid Accords, also called Madrid Agreement or Madrid Pact, was a treaty between Spain, Morocco, and Mauritania to end the Spanish presence in the territory of Spanish Sahara, which was until the Madrid Accords' inception a Spanish province and former colony. It was signed in Madrid on November 14, 1975, although it was never published on the Boletin Oficial del Estado. This agreement violated the Law on decolonization of Sahara, ratified by the Spanish Parliament (Cortes) on November 18.In cause of the Madrid agreement, the territory would then be divided between Morocco and Mauritania.

Madrid Accords

The Madrid Accords, also called Madrid Agreement or Madrid Pact, was a treaty between Spain, Morocco, and Mauritania to end the Spanish presence in the territory of Spanish Sahara, which was until the Madrid Accords' inception a Spanish province and former colony. It was signed in Madrid on November 14, 1975, although it was never published on the Boletin Oficial del Estado. This agreement violated the Law on decolonization of Sahara, ratified by the Spanish Parliament (Cortes) on November 18.In cause of the Madrid agreement, the territory would then be divided between Morocco and Mauritania.