
Mahakaal (also known as The Monster and Time of Death) is a 1993 Indian horror film. It is directed by Shyam Ramsay and Tulsi Ramsay and is based on the American horror film franchise A Nightmare on Elm Street. It was released on DVD in the US by distributor Mondo Macabro in 2009. The film soundtrack was composed by Anand–Milind, and the background score was composed by K. J. Sing and Vishal.


Mahakaal (also known as The Monster and Time of Death) is a 1993 Indian horror film. It is directed by Shyam Ramsay and Tulsi Ramsay and is based on the American horror film franchise A Nightmare on Elm Street. It was released on DVD in the US by distributor Mondo Macabro in 2009. The film soundtrack was composed by Anand–Milind, and the background score was composed by K. J. Sing and Vishal.