
A Mailgram is a type of telegraphic message which is transmitted electronically from the sender to a post office and then printed and delivered to the recipient via postal means. Western Union invented the Mailgram in 1970. Service via Westar, Western Union's own communications satellite, was introduced in 1974. Although iTelegram still provides a mailgram service in the United States, Western Union discontinued all telegram messaging, including Mailgram, in 2006.


A Mailgram is a type of telegraphic message which is transmitted electronically from the sender to a post office and then printed and delivered to the recipient via postal means. Western Union invented the Mailgram in 1970. Service via Westar, Western Union's own communications satellite, was introduced in 1974. Although iTelegram still provides a mailgram service in the United States, Western Union discontinued all telegram messaging, including Mailgram, in 2006.