Man Department

Man Department is a department of Tonkpi Region in Montagnes District, Ivory Coast. In 2014, its population was 334,166 and its seat is the settlement of Man. The sub-prefectures of the department are Bogouiné, Fagnampleu, Gbangbégouiné-Yati, Logoualé, Man, Podiagouiné, Sandougou-Soba, Sangouiné, Yapleu, Zagoué, and Ziogouiné.

Man Department

Man Department is a department of Tonkpi Region in Montagnes District, Ivory Coast. In 2014, its population was 334,166 and its seat is the settlement of Man. The sub-prefectures of the department are Bogouiné, Fagnampleu, Gbangbégouiné-Yati, Logoualé, Man, Podiagouiné, Sandougou-Soba, Sangouiné, Yapleu, Zagoué, and Ziogouiné.