Marea de Vigo

Marea de Vigo (Tide of Vigo in Galician language) is a citizen movement and political party set up in the city of Vigo that runs a left-wing "popular unity" candidacy to the municipal elections of May 2015. Marea de Vigo was the 3rd most voted list in the Vigo local elections of 2015 (16,227 votes, 11.5%), gaining 3 seats in the city council.

Marea de Vigo

Marea de Vigo (Tide of Vigo in Galician language) is a citizen movement and political party set up in the city of Vigo that runs a left-wing "popular unity" candidacy to the municipal elections of May 2015. Marea de Vigo was the 3rd most voted list in the Vigo local elections of 2015 (16,227 votes, 11.5%), gaining 3 seats in the city council.