Mate cocido

Mate cocido (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈmate koˈsiðo], boiled mate; Portuguese: chá mate, IPA: [ˈʃa ˈmati], mate tea; Guarani: kojoi, IPA: [koˈɟoi] ) (or just cocido like in Corrientes Province) is an infusion typical of Southern Cone cuisine (mostly consumed in Southern Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay). It is traditionally prepared by boiling yerba mate in water, then strained and served in cups. It is a bitter tasting beverage, similar to mate but milder, with the same stimulating and nutritional properties. It is also sold in tea-bags, so it can be prepared like tea.

Mate cocido

Mate cocido (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈmate koˈsiðo], boiled mate; Portuguese: chá mate, IPA: [ˈʃa ˈmati], mate tea; Guarani: kojoi, IPA: [koˈɟoi] ) (or just cocido like in Corrientes Province) is an infusion typical of Southern Cone cuisine (mostly consumed in Southern Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay). It is traditionally prepared by boiling yerba mate in water, then strained and served in cups. It is a bitter tasting beverage, similar to mate but milder, with the same stimulating and nutritional properties. It is also sold in tea-bags, so it can be prepared like tea.