Mauk Moruk

Mauk Moruk, born Paulino Gama, (born in Laga, Portuguese Timor, June 22, 1955 - died in Watu Saha Loi, Suco Uatu Haco, East Timor, August 8, 2015) was an East Timorese former Falintil guerrilla commander, opposition figure, and rebel leader of the Maubere Revolutionary Council (KRM). Moruk was a critic of the policies of the independent government of East Timor, advocating that the government do more to alleviate widespread unemployment and poverty in the country. Moruk was particularly critical of the policies for former President Xanana Gusmão, who is also a former guerilla leaders during the Indonesian occupation of East Timor.

Mauk Moruk

Mauk Moruk, born Paulino Gama, (born in Laga, Portuguese Timor, June 22, 1955 - died in Watu Saha Loi, Suco Uatu Haco, East Timor, August 8, 2015) was an East Timorese former Falintil guerrilla commander, opposition figure, and rebel leader of the Maubere Revolutionary Council (KRM). Moruk was a critic of the policies of the independent government of East Timor, advocating that the government do more to alleviate widespread unemployment and poverty in the country. Moruk was particularly critical of the policies for former President Xanana Gusmão, who is also a former guerilla leaders during the Indonesian occupation of East Timor.