McCrone report

The McCrone report is a UK Government document which was written and researched in 1974 on behalf of the British Government of the day (Conservative, led by Edward Heath). It was composed by Professor Gavin McCrone, an employee of the Scottish Office, at St. Andrew's House in Edinburgh. The report was classified as 'secret' by civil servants at the time, and successive UK Governments kept it so, over fears that McCrone's findings would give a further boost to the SNP's policy of Scottish independence.

McCrone report

The McCrone report is a UK Government document which was written and researched in 1974 on behalf of the British Government of the day (Conservative, led by Edward Heath). It was composed by Professor Gavin McCrone, an employee of the Scottish Office, at St. Andrew's House in Edinburgh. The report was classified as 'secret' by civil servants at the time, and successive UK Governments kept it so, over fears that McCrone's findings would give a further boost to the SNP's policy of Scottish independence.