Mega Man: Upon a Star

Mega Man: Upon a Star, known in Japan as Rockman: Hoshi ni Negai o (ロックマン 星に願いを, lit. "Rockman: Wish Upon a Star"), is a Japanese anime original video animation (OVA) series produced by Ashi Productions (who also later worked on the American Mega Man cartoon in 1994) and based on the popular Capcom video game franchise Mega Man. Created in 1993, the series was presented by the Japan Center for Intercultural Communications. The OVA is viewed as a series of educational shorts on the culture of Japan. The first episode got an English dub by The Ocean Group shortly afterwards, but the rest didn't get dubbed until 2002, and never was available to the public until 2005, when it finally saw a VHS and DVD release in North America by ADV Films. This OVA is the first appearance of Yuuta and Akane.

Mega Man: Upon a Star

Mega Man: Upon a Star, known in Japan as Rockman: Hoshi ni Negai o (ロックマン 星に願いを, lit. "Rockman: Wish Upon a Star"), is a Japanese anime original video animation (OVA) series produced by Ashi Productions (who also later worked on the American Mega Man cartoon in 1994) and based on the popular Capcom video game franchise Mega Man. Created in 1993, the series was presented by the Japan Center for Intercultural Communications. The OVA is viewed as a series of educational shorts on the culture of Japan. The first episode got an English dub by The Ocean Group shortly afterwards, but the rest didn't get dubbed until 2002, and never was available to the public until 2005, when it finally saw a VHS and DVD release in North America by ADV Films. This OVA is the first appearance of Yuuta and Akane.