
Megumi-Toons is the popular English title for an autobiographical manga series written by voice actress Megumi Hayashibara. The art for the series was done by Sakura Asagi. Megumi-Toons was originally serialized in Anime V magazine and has been published in a collection under the Japanese title Ashita ga aru sa (明日があるさ –SWEET TIME EXPRESS–). It was later reprinted in a small form, but with additional comics, by Kadokawa under their "Teens Ruby" imprint. In addition, a number of extra comics have appeared in random issues of Newtype.


Megumi-Toons is the popular English title for an autobiographical manga series written by voice actress Megumi Hayashibara. The art for the series was done by Sakura Asagi. Megumi-Toons was originally serialized in Anime V magazine and has been published in a collection under the Japanese title Ashita ga aru sa (明日があるさ –SWEET TIME EXPRESS–). It was later reprinted in a small form, but with additional comics, by Kadokawa under their "Teens Ruby" imprint. In addition, a number of extra comics have appeared in random issues of Newtype.