Melon barb

The melon barb (Haludaria fasciata) is a tropical freshwater cyprinid fish. It originates in inland waters in Asia, and is found in peninsular India. It natively inhabits flowing rivers. They live in a tropical climate in water with a 6.0 - 6.5 pH, a water hardness of 5 dGH, and a temperature range of 72 - 79 °F (22 - 26 °C). This species can also be found in the aquarium trade. The melon barb is an open water, substrate egg-scatterer, and adults do not guard the eggs. It grows to a length of 6 centimetres (2.4 in).

Melon barb

The melon barb (Haludaria fasciata) is a tropical freshwater cyprinid fish. It originates in inland waters in Asia, and is found in peninsular India. It natively inhabits flowing rivers. They live in a tropical climate in water with a 6.0 - 6.5 pH, a water hardness of 5 dGH, and a temperature range of 72 - 79 °F (22 - 26 °C). This species can also be found in the aquarium trade. The melon barb is an open water, substrate egg-scatterer, and adults do not guard the eggs. It grows to a length of 6 centimetres (2.4 in).