Mexican Federal Highway 40

Mexican Federal Highway 40, also called the Carretera Interoceánica (Interoceanic Highway) is a road beginning at Reynosa, Tamaulipas, just west of the Port of Brownsville, Texas, and ending at Mexican Federal Highway 15 in Villa Unión, Sinaloa, near Mazatlán and the Pacific coast. It is called Interoceanic as, once finished, the cities of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, on the Gulf of Mexico and Mazatlán on the Pacific Ocean will be linked. The Cadereyta Jiménez massacre occurred on 13 May 2012 along the road outside the city of Monterrey.

Mexican Federal Highway 40

Mexican Federal Highway 40, also called the Carretera Interoceánica (Interoceanic Highway) is a road beginning at Reynosa, Tamaulipas, just west of the Port of Brownsville, Texas, and ending at Mexican Federal Highway 15 in Villa Unión, Sinaloa, near Mazatlán and the Pacific coast. It is called Interoceanic as, once finished, the cities of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, on the Gulf of Mexico and Mazatlán on the Pacific Ocean will be linked. The Cadereyta Jiménez massacre occurred on 13 May 2012 along the road outside the city of Monterrey.