Microsoft Office XP

Microsoft Office XP is an office suite created and distributed by Microsoft for Windows operating systems. Released to manufacturing (RTM) on March 5, 2001 and launched on May 31, 2001, it is the successor to Office 2000 and the predecessor to Office 2003, and was known as Office 10 in the early stages of its development cycle. Despite the "XP" branding, Office XP does not require Windows XP. "XP" was a marketing term for its era. Office XP received three service packs during its lifetime. Mainstream support for Office XP ended on July 11, 2006 and extended support ended on July 12, 2011.

Microsoft Office XP

Microsoft Office XP is an office suite created and distributed by Microsoft for Windows operating systems. Released to manufacturing (RTM) on March 5, 2001 and launched on May 31, 2001, it is the successor to Office 2000 and the predecessor to Office 2003, and was known as Office 10 in the early stages of its development cycle. Despite the "XP" branding, Office XP does not require Windows XP. "XP" was a marketing term for its era. Office XP received three service packs during its lifetime. Mainstream support for Office XP ended on July 11, 2006 and extended support ended on July 12, 2011.