
"Mijo" is the second episode of the first season of Better Call Saul, the spinoff series of Breaking Bad. The episode aired on February 9, 2015, one day after the series premiere. The episode was written by series creator Peter Gould, and was directed by Michelle MacLaren. The title refers to the Spanish term of endearment mijo [ˈmi.xo], a contraction of mi hijo ("my son").


"Mijo" is the second episode of the first season of Better Call Saul, the spinoff series of Breaking Bad. The episode aired on February 9, 2015, one day after the series premiere. The episode was written by series creator Peter Gould, and was directed by Michelle MacLaren. The title refers to the Spanish term of endearment mijo [ˈmi.xo], a contraction of mi hijo ("my son").