Minardi M189

The Minardi M189 was a Formula One car, designed for Minardi by Nigel Cowperthwaite for use in the 1989 season. Introduced partway through the year and driven by Pierluigi Martini and Luis Perez-Sala, it scored several points finishes for the team. Updated as the M189B for the 1990 season, it was used for the first two races of the year before being replaced by the Minardi M190.

Minardi M189

The Minardi M189 was a Formula One car, designed for Minardi by Nigel Cowperthwaite for use in the 1989 season. Introduced partway through the year and driven by Pierluigi Martini and Luis Perez-Sala, it scored several points finishes for the team. Updated as the M189B for the 1990 season, it was used for the first two races of the year before being replaced by the Minardi M190.