Miskito Sambu

The Miskitu are an ethnic group of mixed cultural ancestry (African-Indigenous American) occupying a portion of the Caribbean coast of Central America (particularly on the Atlantic coasts of Honduras and Nicaragua) known as the Mosquito Coast region. Modern ethnographic terminology uses the term "Miskito", older documents, beginning with Spanish ones of the early 18th century, refer to the group as "Mosquitos Zambos".

Miskito Sambu

The Miskitu are an ethnic group of mixed cultural ancestry (African-Indigenous American) occupying a portion of the Caribbean coast of Central America (particularly on the Atlantic coasts of Honduras and Nicaragua) known as the Mosquito Coast region. Modern ethnographic terminology uses the term "Miskito", older documents, beginning with Spanish ones of the early 18th century, refer to the group as "Mosquitos Zambos".