Modern Left

The Modern Left (La Gauche moderne, LGM), is a French centrist political party founded in 2007. The party was founded following the nomination of the former Socialist Senator and Mayor of Mulhouse, Jean-Marie Bockel to the François Fillon government in May 2007. Along with The Progressives of Éric Besson, the Modern Left represented the left wing of the coalition supporting the then President Nicolas Sarkozy. The party calls itself social liberal and supports a social market economy .

Modern Left

The Modern Left (La Gauche moderne, LGM), is a French centrist political party founded in 2007. The party was founded following the nomination of the former Socialist Senator and Mayor of Mulhouse, Jean-Marie Bockel to the François Fillon government in May 2007. Along with The Progressives of Éric Besson, the Modern Left represented the left wing of the coalition supporting the then President Nicolas Sarkozy. The party calls itself social liberal and supports a social market economy .