Morris On

Morris On is a folk/rock album released in 1972 under the joint names of Ashley Hutchings, Richard Thompson, Dave Mattacks, John Kirkpatrick and Barry Dransfield. Like the subsequent "Descendant Of" Morris On albums (see below), it features English Morris dance tunes and songs, played with a combination of traditional instruments (button accordion, concertina, fiddle, etc.) and modern ones (electric guitar, bass, drums). In common with later records, dancers complete with bells and sticks were also included in the sessions. The album's name echoes that of Rock On, another 1972 record in which Hutchings was involved.

Morris On

Morris On is a folk/rock album released in 1972 under the joint names of Ashley Hutchings, Richard Thompson, Dave Mattacks, John Kirkpatrick and Barry Dransfield. Like the subsequent "Descendant Of" Morris On albums (see below), it features English Morris dance tunes and songs, played with a combination of traditional instruments (button accordion, concertina, fiddle, etc.) and modern ones (electric guitar, bass, drums). In common with later records, dancers complete with bells and sticks were also included in the sessions. The album's name echoes that of Rock On, another 1972 record in which Hutchings was involved.