Moshi mo Negai ga...

"もしも願いが..." is the 18th single to be released by Nami Tamaki. It is also being used as the image song for the Nintendo Wii Version of VALHALLA KNIGHTS. It is also Nami's first ballad single since 2007. This single sold out 3,408 copies for first week and rank at #20 on Oricon weekly chart.

Moshi mo Negai ga...

"もしも願いが..." is the 18th single to be released by Nami Tamaki. It is also being used as the image song for the Nintendo Wii Version of VALHALLA KNIGHTS. It is also Nami's first ballad single since 2007. This single sold out 3,408 copies for first week and rank at #20 on Oricon weekly chart.