Mount Agdistis

In ancient Greek and Anatolian mythology, Mount Agdistis also called Agdos was a sacred mountain located at Pessinus in Phrygia. The mountain was personified as a daemon called Agdistis. Agdistis was a deity connected with the Phrygian worship of the Great Mother Cybele and her consort Attis. According to Pausanias, Attis was buried beneath Mount Agdistis.

Mount Agdistis

In ancient Greek and Anatolian mythology, Mount Agdistis also called Agdos was a sacred mountain located at Pessinus in Phrygia. The mountain was personified as a daemon called Agdistis. Agdistis was a deity connected with the Phrygian worship of the Great Mother Cybele and her consort Attis. According to Pausanias, Attis was buried beneath Mount Agdistis.