
Myrsinaceae, or the myrsine family, was formerly recognized as a rather large family from the order Ericales, consisting of 35 genera and about 1000 species. It is a widespread family found in temperate to tropical climates extending north to Europe, Siberia, Japan, Mexico, and Florida, and south to New Zealand, South America, and South Africa. The one-seeded, indehiscent fruit is a thin-fleshed berry or drupe.North American species are the marlberry (Ardisia escalloniodes) and the Florida rapanea (Rapanea punctata).


Myrsinaceae, or the myrsine family, was formerly recognized as a rather large family from the order Ericales, consisting of 35 genera and about 1000 species. It is a widespread family found in temperate to tropical climates extending north to Europe, Siberia, Japan, Mexico, and Florida, and south to New Zealand, South America, and South Africa. The one-seeded, indehiscent fruit is a thin-fleshed berry or drupe.North American species are the marlberry (Ardisia escalloniodes) and the Florida rapanea (Rapanea punctata).