
Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since 11 October 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of an ichadhari naagin (a female serpent who can change form as desired). The series ended its first season on 11 April 2009, and is expected to return for its 2nd season within 3 months.


Naaginn - Waadon Ki Agniparikshaa is a Hindi television series that aired on Zee TV since 11 October 2007 worldwide. The show is produced by AK Films, one of India’s largest media and entertainment company, based on an interesting saga of an ichadhari naagin (a female serpent who can change form as desired). The series ended its first season on 11 April 2009, and is expected to return for its 2nd season within 3 months.