Nagasawa Kanaye

Kanaye Nagasawa (née Isonaga Hikosuke; 1852-1934) was a prominent California winemaker, the first Japanese national to live permanently in the United States, a recipient of the Order of the Rising Sun, and a disciple of Thomas Lake Harris, the self-proclaimed "Father and Pivot and Primate and King of the Brotherhood of the New Life." Nagasawa followed Harris from New York out to Santa Rosa, California where he eventually took over Harris' Fountaingrove estate, producing wines that earned him international renown. Nagasawa died in 1934, but the round barn he constructed at Fountaingrove is still a landmark in Sonoma County.

Nagasawa Kanaye

Kanaye Nagasawa (née Isonaga Hikosuke; 1852-1934) was a prominent California winemaker, the first Japanese national to live permanently in the United States, a recipient of the Order of the Rising Sun, and a disciple of Thomas Lake Harris, the self-proclaimed "Father and Pivot and Primate and King of the Brotherhood of the New Life." Nagasawa followed Harris from New York out to Santa Rosa, California where he eventually took over Harris' Fountaingrove estate, producing wines that earned him international renown. Nagasawa died in 1934, but the round barn he constructed at Fountaingrove is still a landmark in Sonoma County.