Nanclares de la Oca

Nanclares de la Oca in Spanish and Langraiz Oka in Basque (officially Nanclares de la Oca/Langraiz Oka), is a village located in the province of Álava, (Basque Country, Spain). It is also the capital village of the municipality of Iruña de Oca and the most populated village of the region named Cuadrilla de Añana. Until its merger with the municipality of Iruña in 1976, Nanclares de la Oca was a separate municipality which comprised the villages of Nanclares de la Oca, Montevite and Ollávarre.

Nanclares de la Oca

Nanclares de la Oca in Spanish and Langraiz Oka in Basque (officially Nanclares de la Oca/Langraiz Oka), is a village located in the province of Álava, (Basque Country, Spain). It is also the capital village of the municipality of Iruña de Oca and the most populated village of the region named Cuadrilla de Añana. Until its merger with the municipality of Iruña in 1976, Nanclares de la Oca was a separate municipality which comprised the villages of Nanclares de la Oca, Montevite and Ollávarre.