National Football League on Canadian television

As of the 2014 NFL season, CTV and TSN broadcast Sunday games. Sunday Night Football and Monday Night Football air exclusively on TSN. Sportsnet and City own rights to Thursday Night Football. RDS carries games in the French language from all timeslots. U.S. network television feeds may also be available, often from multiple markets, on cable and satellite (and via terrestrial broadcast in the border lands); all games are subject to simultaneous substitution.

National Football League on Canadian television

As of the 2014 NFL season, CTV and TSN broadcast Sunday games. Sunday Night Football and Monday Night Football air exclusively on TSN. Sportsnet and City own rights to Thursday Night Football. RDS carries games in the French language from all timeslots. U.S. network television feeds may also be available, often from multiple markets, on cable and satellite (and via terrestrial broadcast in the border lands); all games are subject to simultaneous substitution.