Nazi songs

Nazi songs deals with songs that were written for the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Germany. Some songs which are much older than the post-World War I Nazi movement, and which were used by the Nazis, are often confused with Nazi songs; this observation applies above all to Das Lied der Deutschen, which was written in 1841. It was made the national anthem of democratic Germany in 1922, but after 1930 the Nazis commonly appended the Horst-Wessel-Lied to it. Also, the song Die Wacht am Rhein, which was made famous by a scene in the 1943 movie Casablanca, was at that time almost 100 years old.

Nazi songs

Nazi songs deals with songs that were written for the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Germany. Some songs which are much older than the post-World War I Nazi movement, and which were used by the Nazis, are often confused with Nazi songs; this observation applies above all to Das Lied der Deutschen, which was written in 1841. It was made the national anthem of democratic Germany in 1922, but after 1930 the Nazis commonly appended the Horst-Wessel-Lied to it. Also, the song Die Wacht am Rhein, which was made famous by a scene in the 1943 movie Casablanca, was at that time almost 100 years old.