Nemuro Strait

Nemuro Strait, also called Notsuke Strait and Kunashirsky Strait (Russian: Кунаширский пролив), is a strait, located at 44°00′N 145°18′E / 44°N 145.3°E, separating Kunashir Island of the Kuril Islands, Russia (claimed by Japan) from the Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaidō, Japan.

Nemuro Strait

Nemuro Strait, also called Notsuke Strait and Kunashirsky Strait (Russian: Кунаширский пролив), is a strait, located at 44°00′N 145°18′E / 44°N 145.3°E, separating Kunashir Island of the Kuril Islands, Russia (claimed by Japan) from the Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaidō, Japan.