Never Stop Singing

Never Stop Singing is a one-hour public television documentary film produced by Peter B Myers about choral music in Minnesota that premiered on Twin Cities Public Television (TPT) on June 7, 2009. The film was produced by Peter Myers and co-produced and edited by Skip Davis between February 2008 and April 2009. The documentary includes video from more than 40 interviews with well-known Minnesota composers, conductors, and singers.

Never Stop Singing

Never Stop Singing is a one-hour public television documentary film produced by Peter B Myers about choral music in Minnesota that premiered on Twin Cities Public Television (TPT) on June 7, 2009. The film was produced by Peter Myers and co-produced and edited by Skip Davis between February 2008 and April 2009. The documentary includes video from more than 40 interviews with well-known Minnesota composers, conductors, and singers.