New Democratic Party Socialist Caucus

The New Democratic Party Socialist Caucus is an unofficial left-wing faction within Canada's New Democratic Party. Its manifesto maintains that the New Democratic Party has moved too far to the right, and is in danger of becoming indistinguishable from the Liberal Party. Consequently, the Socialist Caucus also opposes Tony Blair's Third Way policies because they "[leave] the basic class and economic structures of capitalism unchanged." The policies of the socialist caucus are similar to the Socialist Campaign Group in the United Kingdom however, unlike the SCG, the Socialist Caucus does not enjoy the public support of any elected parliamentarians.

New Democratic Party Socialist Caucus

The New Democratic Party Socialist Caucus is an unofficial left-wing faction within Canada's New Democratic Party. Its manifesto maintains that the New Democratic Party has moved too far to the right, and is in danger of becoming indistinguishable from the Liberal Party. Consequently, the Socialist Caucus also opposes Tony Blair's Third Way policies because they "[leave] the basic class and economic structures of capitalism unchanged." The policies of the socialist caucus are similar to the Socialist Campaign Group in the United Kingdom however, unlike the SCG, the Socialist Caucus does not enjoy the public support of any elected parliamentarians.