Next Italian general election

The next Italian general election is due to be held no later than 23 May 2018 and will be called following the dissolution or expiry of the term started on 29 April 2013. Under the current Constitution, voters would elect 630 members of the Chamber of Deputies and 315 members of the Senate of the Republic for the 18th Parliament, but a constitutional reform proposed by the government would see the Senate replaced in this election with an indirectly elected body, composed of 100 members: 95 selected from regional councils and 5 appointed by the President. This reform has been already passed by the Chamber and Senate, but requires approval in the 2016 constitutional referendum before it enters into effect.

Next Italian general election

The next Italian general election is due to be held no later than 23 May 2018 and will be called following the dissolution or expiry of the term started on 29 April 2013. Under the current Constitution, voters would elect 630 members of the Chamber of Deputies and 315 members of the Senate of the Republic for the 18th Parliament, but a constitutional reform proposed by the government would see the Senate replaced in this election with an indirectly elected body, composed of 100 members: 95 selected from regional councils and 5 appointed by the President. This reform has been already passed by the Chamber and Senate, but requires approval in the 2016 constitutional referendum before it enters into effect.