North Star Hotel

The North Star hotel is a hotel in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, that has been vacant for a number of years. It is at 8 West Hastings Street. At approximately 4 p.m. on October 22, 2006, organizers from the Vancouver Anti-Poverty Committee launched a march from Vancouver's Pigeon Park to the North Star hotel which was entered and declared a squat. The top floor of the building is being occupied by a handful of squatters while protestors remain outside. The Vancouver Anti-Poverty Committee also organized the 2002 squatting of Vancouver's Woodward's building.

North Star Hotel

The North Star hotel is a hotel in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, that has been vacant for a number of years. It is at 8 West Hastings Street. At approximately 4 p.m. on October 22, 2006, organizers from the Vancouver Anti-Poverty Committee launched a march from Vancouver's Pigeon Park to the North Star hotel which was entered and declared a squat. The top floor of the building is being occupied by a handful of squatters while protestors remain outside. The Vancouver Anti-Poverty Committee also organized the 2002 squatting of Vancouver's Woodward's building.