Northern Ireland Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry

The 2014-2016 Northern Ireland Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry, often referred to as the HIA Inquiry, is the largest inquiry into historical institutional sexual and physical abuse of children in UK legal history. Its remit covers institutions in Northern Ireland that provided residential care for children from 1922 to 1995, but excludes most church-run schools. The Inquiry was set up in response to the Inquiry into Historical Institutional Abuse Act (Northern Ireland) 2013. Following a request to extend its timescale, the report that the Inquiry is required to publish must be delivered to the First Minister and deputy First Minister (who will have no powers to change it) by 18 January 2017. Preliminary estimate of the cost was about £15m, with 37 people working on the enquiry accor

Northern Ireland Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry

The 2014-2016 Northern Ireland Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry, often referred to as the HIA Inquiry, is the largest inquiry into historical institutional sexual and physical abuse of children in UK legal history. Its remit covers institutions in Northern Ireland that provided residential care for children from 1922 to 1995, but excludes most church-run schools. The Inquiry was set up in response to the Inquiry into Historical Institutional Abuse Act (Northern Ireland) 2013. Following a request to extend its timescale, the report that the Inquiry is required to publish must be delivered to the First Minister and deputy First Minister (who will have no powers to change it) by 18 January 2017. Preliminary estimate of the cost was about £15m, with 37 people working on the enquiry accor