November 2005 in sports

Bye Week: Cincinnati Bengals, New Orleans Saints, San Diego Chargers, Tennessee Titans. (NOTE: This the final week for byes this season.) * Speed skating: Chad Hedrick sets a new world record for the 5000 metres at the ISU World Cup in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with the time 6:09.68, beating the previous record by nearly five seconds. Four athletes skated under the previous world record of 6:14.66 by Jochem Uytdehaage during the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah. ( report – in Dutch)

November 2005 in sports

Bye Week: Cincinnati Bengals, New Orleans Saints, San Diego Chargers, Tennessee Titans. (NOTE: This the final week for byes this season.) * Speed skating: Chad Hedrick sets a new world record for the 5000 metres at the ISU World Cup in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with the time 6:09.68, beating the previous record by nearly five seconds. Four athletes skated under the previous world record of 6:14.66 by Jochem Uytdehaage during the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah. ( report – in Dutch)