Nu (programming language)

Nu is an interpreted object-oriented programming language, with a Lisp-like syntax, created by Tim Burks as an alternative scripting language to program OS X through its Cocoa application programming interface (API). Implementations also exist for iPhone and Linux. The language was first announced at C4, a conference for indie Mac developers held in August 2007. Considered a niche tool, possibly because of its Lisp-like syntax, it is notable as part of a rise in use of functional programming languages as of 2014.

Nu (programming language)

Nu is an interpreted object-oriented programming language, with a Lisp-like syntax, created by Tim Burks as an alternative scripting language to program OS X through its Cocoa application programming interface (API). Implementations also exist for iPhone and Linux. The language was first announced at C4, a conference for indie Mac developers held in August 2007. Considered a niche tool, possibly because of its Lisp-like syntax, it is notable as part of a rise in use of functional programming languages as of 2014.