
An Oberlandesgericht (plural – Oberlandesgerichte; OLG, English: Higher Regional Court, or in Berlin Kammergericht: KG) is a higher court in Germany. There are 24 OLGs in Germany. They are positioned above regional courts (Landgericht) and below the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof), in family and child law above the district courts (Amtsgericht) and below the Federal Court of Justice. In criminal cases that are under primary jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Justice (i.e., cases concerning the national security), the Oberlandesgerichte act as a branch of the Federal Court of Justice, that is, as "lower federal courts" ("Untere Bundesgerichte").


An Oberlandesgericht (plural – Oberlandesgerichte; OLG, English: Higher Regional Court, or in Berlin Kammergericht: KG) is a higher court in Germany. There are 24 OLGs in Germany. They are positioned above regional courts (Landgericht) and below the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof), in family and child law above the district courts (Amtsgericht) and below the Federal Court of Justice. In criminal cases that are under primary jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Justice (i.e., cases concerning the national security), the Oberlandesgerichte act as a branch of the Federal Court of Justice, that is, as "lower federal courts" ("Untere Bundesgerichte").