Odessa in Flames

Odessa in Flames (Romanian: Odessa în flăcări) (Italian: Odessa in fiamme) is a 1942 Italian-Romanian film directed by Carmine Gallone. The film is about the Battle of Odessa in 1941. The Siege of Odessa was part of The Great Patriotic War area of operations in 1941. The operation was primarily conducted by Romanian forces and elements of the German Army's 11th Army (11. Armee of the Wehrmacht Heer).

Odessa in Flames

Odessa in Flames (Romanian: Odessa în flăcări) (Italian: Odessa in fiamme) is a 1942 Italian-Romanian film directed by Carmine Gallone. The film is about the Battle of Odessa in 1941. The Siege of Odessa was part of The Great Patriotic War area of operations in 1941. The operation was primarily conducted by Romanian forces and elements of the German Army's 11th Army (11. Armee of the Wehrmacht Heer).