Old Norwegian

Old Norwegian (Norwegian: gammelnorsk, gam(m)alnorsk), also called Norwegian Norse is an early form of the Norwegian language that was spoken between the 11th and 14th century; it is a transitional stage between Old West Norse and Middle Norwegian, and also Old Norn and Old Faroese.Its distinction from Old West Norse is a matter of convention.Traditionally, Old Norwegian has been divided into the main dialect areas of North Western, Outer South Western, Inner South Western, Trøndersk, North Eastern, and South Eastern.

Old Norwegian

Old Norwegian (Norwegian: gammelnorsk, gam(m)alnorsk), also called Norwegian Norse is an early form of the Norwegian language that was spoken between the 11th and 14th century; it is a transitional stage between Old West Norse and Middle Norwegian, and also Old Norn and Old Faroese.Its distinction from Old West Norse is a matter of convention.Traditionally, Old Norwegian has been divided into the main dialect areas of North Western, Outer South Western, Inner South Western, Trøndersk, North Eastern, and South Eastern.