One of Us (TV series)

One of Us is a British drama television miniseries created and written by Harry and Jack Williams. The story starts with childhood sweethearts Adam Elliot and Grace Douglas who have returned home from their honeymoon and are found brutally murdered. Their families and neighbours in the remote Scottish Highland village of Braeston are devastated, but things take an even darker turn when a badly injured man arrives at their doorstep after his car comes off the road – a man who seems to be the killer.

One of Us (TV series)

One of Us is a British drama television miniseries created and written by Harry and Jack Williams. The story starts with childhood sweethearts Adam Elliot and Grace Douglas who have returned home from their honeymoon and are found brutally murdered. Their families and neighbours in the remote Scottish Highland village of Braeston are devastated, but things take an even darker turn when a badly injured man arrives at their doorstep after his car comes off the road – a man who seems to be the killer.